

The epiviz.gl project is meant to visualize genomic data using webgl and webworkers, in an effort to give a fluid, high-performance user experience. Visualizations are defined via a declarative specification.
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Offscreen Canvas Scrolling

Offscreen canvas is a new technology used to avoid the single-threaded behavior of javascript by allowing a webworker to handle the rendering of a canvas. This benchmark shows the performance of various canvas rendering methods and their associated offscreen canvas implementations. In addition, for this benchmark, the canvas needed to be scrollable and pannable.
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Random Dot Product Graph Sampler

A Latent Position Graph is a type of random graph model where vertices are associated with positions in some latent (unobserved) space. The Random Dot Product Graph (RDPG) is a Latent Position Graph. There are several definitions in the literature, but in this case we define it as a model where every vertex is associated with a vector of magnitude less than or equal to 1. The dot product of two vectors becomes the probability of an edge between the two associated vertices. This sampler allows the user to create vectors in a 3D latent space, and sample the resulting distribution.
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An interactive topology map created using d3.js. To raise the map left-click on the map; right-click to raise it. To achieve the depth effect, the code does not use the fill attribute on the svg paths. Instead it builds a rectangle for each path and clips it.
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